Welcome to our September meeting!
We met in person at the Westerly, RI Senior Center and had a lot of fun! We had Show and Tell which is a favorite for many! A speaker, Jenn Strauser of www.dizzyquilter.com who works with vintage quilts, fabrics, color and Kawandi quilting gave us an entertaining trunk show. We raffled off our Block of the Month blocks members made, and we had time to shop and socialize!
We love to get together at our meetings!
As everyone arrives, they are checked in and when you wear your name tag you are eligible to win a door prize!
or BBB BOM 2022
We make monthly blocks from Barbara Barber's
Binder Block of the Month. This block is done as a memorial to our member's talent and generosity.Making Quilts for Local Donation
Ways and means has kits available for those who choose to work on a quilt to be donated to the community. You can make blocks, or put the top of the quilt together, or do more or less as you choose. We work as a team!
Our Library
We have a collection of books in our library run by volunteers and members can borrow the books to learn new techniques and look at different kinds of quilts.
Ways and Means Raffle
Members bring items like fabric, tools, and more to be raffled off with proceeds going to our Ways and Means committee for community outreach projects.
It is always fun to win and bring home some treasures! And yes, we always have time to shop and nibble on refreshments.
Our Speaker, Jenn Strauss
Jenn shared her trunk show of her journey as a quilter. She has used color and fabrics in different ways. She works with designing fabric and patterns. See more at www.dizzyquilter.com. Jenn also has an etsy shop and a facebook page.
#dizzyquilterdecided to curve the edges of her fabric.
A close up of her quilting reveals curved improvisational lines.
Members gather to laugh and examine Jenn's work more closely.
Let's Look at Our Show and Tell!!!
Tara shared her quilt she put together with blocks and fabrics she had waiting together in a box for her. There is a three dimensional element to the center of the stars. The flower petals are three dimensional!
Audrey shared a wonderful wedding quilt that is very special. Her quilt is hand appliqued and hand quilted. This quilt will certainly be a precious gift.
Barbara C made a holiday quilt celebrating Festivus. Yes, it is a real holiday that was created in the 60s.
Barbara is peeking out from behind her quilt! Hi there!
Cheryl shared a quilt made of fabric her granddaughter picked out...and it's Cheryl's favorite too- fabric by Tula Pink.
A raccoon quilt for Cheryl's two year old grandson! Happy birthday!
Ginny made a group of log cabin blocks. She was arranging them into a final quilt and left the room to think but when she came back, she husband had put them into this design so Ginny went with it. Very striking quilt!
Ginny made a very special quilt for a fundraiser for diabetes. The alternating blocks have special messages and images of butterflies.
This pattern is "Crosswalk" a MSQC pattern created by Nancy L.
Nancy made this quilt in a workshop hosted by a friend at the Senior Center.
Our president, Pat G shared her quilt she started in a guild workshop
taught by the "Stash Bandit" Diane Harris.
Learn more at www.stashbandit.net
Here is Pat G's finished redwork quilt, created with red embroidery in the blocks.
The vintage Santas are a perfect choice for a quilt using redwork.
Pat G shared placemats she finished using a donation of blocks. What a great idea to use a variety of blocks for placemats! These placemats will be donated to Meals on Wheels and distributed during the winter holidays. This is but one of the programs our guild members may participate in as part of community outreach.
Quilts by our Community Outreach Committee
Our Community Outreach committee always has a beautiful collection of quilts they have made. These quilts are donated to local programs including Operation Fresh Start - New Beginnings, Habitat for Humanity, Project Linus, Quilts of Valor, and to hospitals.
That is what our meetings are like!